Addressing Stormwater Quality
The options to achieve compliance vary greatly and need to be considered on a project by project basis. Some of the compliance measures include on-site detention and reuse by utilising a rainwater tank connected to toilet flushing, rain gardens and other WSUD features and methods. We liaise with your council, landscape architect and drainage designer as required to ensure that the WSUD & STORM criteria are addressed, and write a report to respond to the Planning Scheme requirements.
WSUD Reports
WSUD assessments review proposed development hard-stand area site coverage, opportunities for direct ground infiltration, water collection and diversion from stormwater, and on-site water filtration options – and recommend alternative ways that developments can practically achieve the required CSIRO Best Practice Urban Stormwater treatment requirements (i.e. 100% STORM tool or MUSIC tool compliance) or the requirements of the Stormwater Management Plan.

STORM Reports
STORM stands for ‘Stormwater Treatment Objective – Relative Measure’. A STORM assessment measures the developments in the ability to treat stormwater. This is required as developments introduce a large percentage of hard surface areas which may previously have been a permeable area such as lawn and vegetation. Essentially, it is a stormwater design and is usually covered in the BESS or SDA Report.
Solutions for Smarter Urban Design
WSUD works at all levels (lot, street and precinct) as well as on regional scales and includes a diverse range of treatment options. It incorporates better urban planning and design to reuse stormwater to stop it from reaching our waterways. The idea is to mimic the natural water cycle as closely as possible. STORM modelling and WSUD reports allow us to suggest more straightforward solutions regarding stormwater.
At Empire Thermal Group, we have experience with all councils requiring Stormwater Management (WSUD) reports. We can assess just how sustainable a new design will be, and quickly determine what can be done to improve the energy, water and waste efficiency, as well as the livability and running costs of the proposed development. We do this in conjunction with your architect, engineers, landscape architect, and other consultants, to advise on what will be required to meet council requirements. We’re always efficient with our reports, but if you’re working to tight deadlines, they can be scheduled by our team to meet your needs.
Why choose us?
Empire Thermal Group is an experienced building energy consultancy. We provide our services to many leading architects, developers and builders right across Australia from our base in Melbourne.
- Fast turnaround times
- Hassle-free service
- We’RE developers & builders